Wendy and I decided that we were going to get up early yesterday and take pictures of the sunrise. I think the hardest part was figuring out what time to get up. My photo app gives me the following information: 5:51 a.m. Astronomical Twilight, 6:18 a.m. Nautical Twilight, 6:46 a.m. Blue Hour, 6:56 a.m. Golden Hour, 7:11 a.m. Sunrise. I don’t get up early often enough to know when is the best light for sunrise pictures. We decided to get up at 6:10a and drive about 15 minutes to shoreline north of us. We arrived just in time. We only had about 5 minutes of extraordinary color. After those magical minutes, I didn’t even take anymore pictures because the world seemed so pale. Maybe I should get up earlier more often. This photo was taken at 6:44 a.m.
This photograph was taken before dawn near Lamar, Texas (Just north of Rockport). The settings were not at all what I would have picked for the conditions. This was the first shot of the morning and I hadn’t changed anything from the last shoot. I changed the settings after this photo. Ironically though, this was Wendy’s favorite from the morning. She said the photos taken after this were not as "whimsical." It’s all about the light. (Nikon Z5, 1/800 sec at f/2.8, ISO 6400, 68mm)
Wall Art made from this photograph is available for purchase on benmessickphotography.com