Lincoln Building


Rousseau Centre

Freimann Square

Rockport’s forecast today is sunny and 75º. I think that everyday in my life should be shorts and sandals weather. But… as I scroll through my social media feed, I am reminded of the beauty winter brings to nature in its own way. So as today’s post, I am sharing one of my favorites from last winter. Enjoy the weather wherever you find yourself. #tbt
This photograph was in last January in Eagle Marsh nature preserve, Fort Wayne, Indiana. (Nikon Z5, 1/160 sec at f/2.8, ISO 400, 85mm prime)
Wall Art made from this photograph is available for purchase on
A look at the number of traffic stops the Fort Wayne Police Department conducted each day so far in March 2020:
Important Disclaimer: The following are laws that regulate bicycle use in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The statute language and titles have been edited for clarity and length. This list is not complete. Please use the reference links at the end to look up the exact language of the applicable laws.
§ 9-13-2-14 "Bicycle"
"Bicycle" means any foot-propelled vehicle, irrespective of the number of wheels in contact with the ground.
§ 9-13-2-73 "Highway or Street"
"Highway" or "street" means the entire width between the boundary lines of every publicly maintained way when any part of the way is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel in Indiana. The term includes an alley in a city or town.
§ 9-13-2-157 "Roadway"
"Roadway" means that part of a highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel. The term does not include the sidewalk, berm, or shoulder, even if the sidewalk, berm, or shoulder is used by persons riding bicycles or other human powered vehicles.
§ IC 9-13-2-196 "Vehicle"
"Vehicle" means, except as otherwise provided in this section, a device in, upon, or by which a person or property is, or may be, transported or drawn upon a highway. The term does not include the following: (1) A device moved by human power. … (d) For purposes of IC 9-30-5, IC 9-30-6, IC 9-30-8, and IC 9-30-9 [Drunk Driving Laws], the term means a device for transportation by land or air. The term does not include an electric personal assistive mobility device.
§ 9-21-11-1 Parents and guardians; authorizing or permitting violation of chapter; bicycles; application of chapter
§ 9-21-11-2 Roadways; rights and duties
A person riding a bicycle upon a roadway has all the rights and duties under this article that are applicable to a person who drives a vehicle, except the following:
§ 9-21-11-3 Operation; seats; passengers
§ 9-21-11-4 Number of passengers
A bicycle may not be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which the bicycle is designed and equipped.
§ 9-21-11-6 No more than two abreast in roadway
A person riding a bicycle upon a roadway may not ride more than two abreast except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles.
§ 9-21-11-7 Packages, bundles, or other articles preventing proper use of handlebars
A person who rides a bicycle may not carry a package, a bundle, or an article that prevents the person from keeping both hands upon the handlebars.
§ 9-21-11-8 Use of siren or whistle prohibited
A bicycle may not be equipped with and a person may not use upon a bicycle a siren or whistle.
§ 9-21-11-9 Lamps and reflectors
A bicycle operated on a highway from one-half (1/2) hour after sunset until one-half (1/2) hour before sunrise must be equipped with the following:
§ 9-21-11-10 Brakes
A bicycle must be equipped with a brake that will enable the person who operates the bicycle to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean pavement.
§ 9-21-11-11 Highways; regulations and requirements
A person who operates a bicycle upon a highway shall observe the regulations and requirements of this article.
§ 9-21-3-7 Exception for bicycles at Red Lights [Vehicle Detection Errors]
If the operator of a bicycle approaches an intersection that is controlled by a traffic control signal, the operator may proceed through the intersection on a steady red signal only if the operator:
[ Note: Bells are no longer required ]
§ 9-21-17-3 Duty to obey cross walk signals.
A pedestrian shall obey the instructions of an official traffic control device specifically applicable to the pedestrian, unless otherwise directed by a police officer.
§ 9-21-17-5 Riding into the path of a vehicle prohibited
A pedestrian may not suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle that is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard.
§ 9-21-17-7 Crossing roadway at point not marked as a crosswalk must yield of right-of-way to traffic
A pedestrian crossing a roadway at a point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway.
§ 9-21-17-8 Pedestrian tunnel or overhead crossing must yield of right-of-way to traffic
A pedestrian crossing a roadway at a point where a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing has been provided shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway.
§ 9-21-17-9 Jaywalking prohibited
Between adjacent intersections at which traffic control signals are in operation, pedestrians may not cross at any place except in a marked crosswalk.
§ 9-21-17-10 Pedestrians must not cross at intersections diagonally
A pedestrian may not cross a roadway intersection diagonally unless authorized by official traffic control devices.
§ 9-21-17-11 Pedestrians must use the right half of Crosswalks.
Pedestrians shall move, whenever practicable, upon the right half of crosswalks.
§ 9-30-5-1 Operating While Intoxicated
A person who operates a vehicle with an alcohol concentration equivalent to at least 0.08 gram of alcohol but less than 0.15 gram of alcohol per 210 liters of the person’s breath commits a Class C misdemeanor.
§ 9-21-8-25 Signal must be used before turning or changing lanes.
A signal of intention to turn right or left shall be given continuously during not less than the last 200 feet traveled by a vehicle before turning or changing lanes.
§ 9-21-8-32 Duty to Obey Stop Signs
A person who drives a vehicle shall stop at an intersection where a stop sign is erected at one or more entrances to a through highway that are not a part of the through highway and proceed cautiously, yielding to vehicles that are not required to stop.
§ 9-21-8-28 Hand and arm signals; left turn; right turn; decrease in speed
All signals required under this chapter may be given by hand and arm. A signal given under this section shall be given from the left side of the vehicle in the following manner:
§ 9-21-8-37 Motorists must use due care to avoid bicyclists
Notwithstanding other provisions of this article or a local ordinance, a person who drives a vehicle shall do the following: Exercise due care to avoid colliding with a pedestrian or a person propelling a human powered vehicle, giving an audible signal when necessary.
§ 74.02 Serial Number Required
It shall be unlawful to destroy, remove, alter, cover or deface the manufacturer’s serial number of any bicycle. It shall be unlawful for any person to own or have custody of a bicycle, the original manufacturer’s serial number of which has been destroyed, removed, altered, covered or defaced.
§ 74.34 Operation Of Bicycles
§ 74.35 Speed To Be Reasonable And Prudent To Surrounding Conditions
No person shall operate a bicycle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing.
§ 74.36 Emerging From Alleys Or Driveways
The operator of a bicycle emerging from an alley, driveway or building shall, upon approaching a sidewalk or the sidewalk area extending across any alleyway, yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians approaching on such sidewalk or sidewalk area, and upon entering the roadway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on such roadway.
§ 74.37 Parking Of Bicycles
No person shall park a bicycle upon the traveled portion of the street. Bicycles may be parked only upon the sidewalk area in a rack provided to support the bicycle, against a building or in such manner as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian traffic.
§ 74.38 Riding On Sidewalk Area
§ 71.06 Operation Of Vehicles In Roadways Where Bicycles Are Present
§ 71.07 Operation Of Vehicles In Roadways With Bicycle Lanes
§ 72.22 Stopping, Standing Or Parking Prohibited In Bike Lane
No vehicle shall be stopped, standing or parked except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with law or other direction of a police officer or traffic control device in any of the following places… (S) Upon any on-street bicycle facilities designated by signage and/or pavement marking for the shared use of motor vehicles and bicycles , or in such a manner as to impede bicycle traffic on such lane.
Photo: Bike Lane by Bill Dickinson used under the Creative Commons license. (unaltered)
Updated: April 30, 2019
Inside Purdue Fort Wayne has a great list of places to hang out in the winter. I have been to 16 of the 18. Need to try Beet Street and Wunderkammer.
Link: This is my Indiana
I could go on and on about everything Indiana has to offer but you should come here for a visit before you decide you know what our state is all about.
I really enjoyed reading some of the highlights of my own state. I knew about most, but going have to put Café Patachou on my list of places to go! Thanks for sharing Jennifer Dodds Fox!
I was looking over the “Top 25” restaurants in Fort Wayne on TripAdvisor and was embarrassed at how many I have never tried. I really like trying new restaurants. In fact, one year, my wife and I ate at a different restaurant every week for a year1. That was before kids though. These days, we only go out once or twice a month and it seems to be the same old favorites. I would like to share ten of the my favorites in the Fort:
What’s your favorite?