One of my favorite activities is drinking coffee in a coffee shop. Pure coffee. No sugar, no cream, no hazelnut, no chocolate syrup. Preferably in a real mug. Preferably with friends. Fortunately, the Rockport area has several good choices. My favorite on nice days is sitting outside at Duck Blind Coffee adjacent to Fulton Harbor. According to my reward cards (buy 9, get 1 free!), I have been there sixteen times. So far. We will be here for another two weeks… until next winter… ❤️☕️
This photograph was taken Monday morning at dawn in Fulton, Texas. I had a cup of coffee just after I shot this. (Nikon Z5, 1/80 sec at f/4.5, ISO 100, 45mm)
Wall Art made from this photograph is available for purchase on benmessickphotography.com.