#MonochromeMonday – The Crescent Moon Picnic Site offers visitors an amazing look at Cathedral Rock. This sandstone butte is one of the most-photographed landmarks in Arizona. For being a cold evening, there were still several other people with me at the park after hours to see the sunset. There was a barefoot woman who hiked to the creek and was sitting beside it beating a homemade drum. There was woman with hands up to the rock who appeared to be praying. Another woman kept dunking her head in creek for as long as she could hold her breath. An interesting place with a beautiful view.
I took this photograph last week at the Crescent Moon Picnic Site in Sedona, Arizona. I used a Nikon Z5 camera using a NIKKOR Z 24-70mm ƒ/2.8 S lens (1/50 sec at ƒ/3.5, ISO 100, 43mm). I edited the image in Adobe Lightroom.